Ahh! Hello beautiful! To say that I’ve missed blogging is a complete understatement, but I finally have been given an opportunity to sit down and write. It feels AMAZING. Today I want to share with you the best productivity apps for students. As a college student, these apps have helped tremendously. I’m ready to dive in, but first, let’s catch up!

If you didn’t know already, I’m a Pre-Nursing student! It’s a difficult major, but I also believe that it is nothing but rewarding. I am loving college, with all the ups and major downs, but overall it is such an exciting stage of life. I have lots of science classes such as Chemistry and Biology, and I’ve been feeling overwhelmed, which is the reason I had to take a few weeks off from the blog. SUPER sad…

The reason that I wanted to preface this post by telling you this is to affirm to you all that rest is okay and is actually a crucial thing. I was planning on having a blog post up every week for the past few weeks, but when I sat down and thought to myself, I realized it just wasn’t realistic. I knew that if I was trying to readjust to a new place and new schedule, lots of homework, and just adjusting to major changes all while trying to write blog posts each week, I was going to have burnout.

That is the last thing I want! I took a break so that I could come back with more energy and more inspiration than I would’ve had. So yes, back to my point. Take a step back and realize your limits and boundaries. People will understand if you have to say no to plans to get some sleep, or whatever else it may be. Do what will make you MORE productive in the long run! I promise it is always worth it.

Now that I’ve got that out of the way, let’s get to my top 5 productivity apps!

1. TeuxDeux

I’m going to be straight-up right now. TeuxDeux is essential for me. It is so different from any other to-do list app I’ve ever used. The platform is so easy and has so many options. Within the app, I have my to-dos, grocery lists, books to read list, and any other list I find necessary. You can also create recurring to-dos, so for assignments, I know that I’ll have each week, I set them to show up every week!

You can also access TeuxDeux from your computer, so I pull it up while I look at my Google Calendar, which makes planning incredibly easy.

The only downside to TeuxDeux is that it’s a $4 monthly subscription, but I find it completely worth it!

Here’s the link: https://teuxdeux.com

2. Mint

For anyone that is a beginner with finance and wants an easy platform to use, I 100% recommend Mint. I’ve been using it for 1 of 2 years, and it’s made managing my money so easy!

You’re able to look at your monthly spending and earnings, look at each individual purchase you make, keep track of your bills, make a monthly budget, and create financial goals all within one app. I’ve used it to reach my savings goals and it has been so rewarding!

Being able to physically see your progress on the app is amazing, and I feel like it’s definitely made me more conscious of my money and spending habits.

I try to check my Mint each day to make sure I am aware of any extra spending. It has decreased the number of impulse purchases I am making, which I definitely appreciate it! Not gonna lie to you all, I have been wanting to buy SO many clothes, but I’ve been able to hold myself back with the app:)

Here’s the link: https://mint.intuit.com/

3. Notion

If you’re really big into productivity and wellness, my guess is that you’ve heard of Notion. You could plan your whole life on that app if you really wanted. I use it for a few key things that I feel like other platforms don’t provide.

I’ve inserted a picture of what my layout kind of looks like. I have my content planning, meal planning, workout planning, goal setting, and so much more through this app.

It’s totally customizable so you can really do whatever you want! The only hard part is learning how to use Notion. Personally, I find templates on Youtube and through the Notion website and make them my own. It can be really confusing, so make it simple for yourself and use templates if you don’t have the hours to put in learning how to create on the platform!

I 100% believe that Notion is one, if not the BEST, productivity app. You can download it on your computer and phone, and have it with you wherever. After getting Notion, I’ve definitely felt a certain level of put-togetherness that I wouldn’t feel otherwise. 

I think I should mention it’s also SO cute and aesthetic…so keep that in mind haha!

Here’s the link: https://www.notion.so/

4. Google Calendar

Ohhhhh the way that I could go on and on about Google Calendar. My life revolves around it. I have it on my phone and computer, and I check it a LOT throughout the day. 

I’m a huge fan of time-blocking. Although I don’t believe this schedule needs to be followed strictly, I like the way that it gives you an idea of what your day will look like. I schedule out school, work, workouts, personal time, homework times, appointments, and more with it. I love how I can just look at my calendar and get an idea of what I’m supposed to be doing at that point of the day. 

Like I said before, using TeuxDeux and Google Calendar simultaneously is a true lifesaver. They really do go hand-in-hand perfectly. 

Here’s the link: https://www.google.com/calendar

5. Nate

The Nate App is an app that I am SO surprised not more people know about. I mean, I personally learned about it from Emma Chamberlain (my literal queen). It is the best method for reducing impulse purchasing, in my own opinion. Through it, you’re able to save things that you want to purchase within the app and put them in different categories. I have categories such as things I need, clothes, blog things, and anything else I deem necessary.

After categorizing items, it gives you time to think about which purchases are the most important thing for you to make at that point in time. If you really want a sweater, but realize you need to buy something for school, it will help you make the smart decision first.

You can also buy things right through the app once you save them, so all around it’s a very easy-to-use app. I absolutely love it!

Here’s the link: https://www.nate.tech/

6. UniDays

UniDays is really just a college student focus. It basically just makes getting student discounts easy. You are able to follow your favorite brands and become notified of the different discounts they may have. 

As a student, I feel like a lot of people don’t utilize their student discounts enough! Just double-checking for discounts each time you make purchases is a great way to start saving a lot of money. There are quite a few student discount platforms, but of the ones I’ve tried so far, UniDays remains my favorite.

Here’s the link: https://www.myunidays.com/

I hope you try these apps out! These are truly some of THE best productivity apps for students, and I have loved them in my own experience!

I cannot begin to say how much I have missed writing! It truly has felt so good to finally be back, and I hope that it will stay like this! I have been feeling so much support as of late through the blog and through Instagram, and I feel grateful every single day for the community of people I am surrounded by. So thank you! I feel loved, I feel grateful, and I am so happy that what I write is loved by amazing people!

Here’s a quote to get you feeling inspired this beautiful day:

“When you wake up each morning, take a moment to think about the kind of life you want to have. Consciously choose to have a happy life: one that is filled with love, laughter, good health, and success. Then, begin your day focused on the things you can do to make this your reality” – Unknown

Your reality is what you make it, as me and my roommate have been repeating to each other recently. For all of you in school like I am, it’s so tough. It’s stressful, it’s exhausting, but it is so worth it at the end of the day when you know that you are learning and growing! I have so much faith in you, babe.

Also, don’t forget to check out my last blog post as well! Here’s the link: https://xojacilynn.com/self-love-habits/

Sending you so much love to take with you throughout your week!

xo, jaci lynn

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