Do you ever see girls on social media and wonder HOW they have the cutest and most aesthetic rooms? In this post, I will cover 9 organization tips for your bedroom to make it SO aesthetic!

One of the most important aspects of loving how your room looks is organization. It will make the space OPEN and feel good to be in! Nothing is better than that feeling…

This post is ALL about organization tips for your bedroom!

When it comes to bedroom organization, there is a question that I have heard from multiple people…

How can I organize my bedroom BETTER?

What seems like the most simple question can actually have a lot of different answers depending on who you may ask.

Not to toot my own horn, but I truly think I’ve got this organizing thing down to a SCIENCE. And my answer is simple:

Maintain your organization!

In life, you will constantly be getting caught up in a whirlwind from school or work to little annoying tasks that keep getting added to your to-do list. Trust me when I say I get it! It’s hard to maintain a clean space all of the time.

However, implementing little habits in your life like putting your clothes back in your drawers in an organized fashion instead of creating a mass of clothing can literally make the BIGGEST difference. Instead of letting your clutter build up in your room, learn to deal with it at that moment and you will feel a weight being lifted off of your shoulders!

I truly believe that small habits will make the biggest difference when it comes to organization for your bedroom. Not to mention, you’ll feel like a Pinterest girl every day! And that’s the end goal REALLY, right?

Actively choosing to change this little thing each day will help lead you to great habits…I believe anyone can do it!

So with that…

Let’s get into 9 organization tips for your bedroom!

9 Organization Tips for an Aesthetic Bedroom

1. Less is MORE!

organization tips for bedroom

I think I want to preface with this because, in my opinion, this is one of the BEST things that you can do when it comes to creating an “aesthetic” environment. We should all be trying to declutter our homes as much as possible. It can be hard to fit into a busy schedule, but just squeezing it in one or two times during the month can be life-changing!

I think another easy way to stay on top of this is to declutter with the seasons. As the seasons change, so does how we dress and possibly how our homes/apartments look. If you can remember to do a quick closet clean out and donation before the beginning of a new season, you’ll be golden!

Overall, decluttering is sure to make your space look cleaner, more minimal, and just super put together. Having less might make a huge difference! And on top of this, it is a great habit to get into for another variety of reasons…so I would start with this step!

2. Organize drawers, closet, and desk with dividers and sectioning

This part is FUN! You can be super creative in how you want to begin to organize your space. Getting drawer dividers and sectioning out parts of your closet will not only make it more organized and cute but also more efficient in your day-to-day life.

One of my favorite things to do when organizing clothing drawers is to Marie Kondo fold all the clothes, but use dividers to create sections between shoes, pants, socks, workout clothes, etc. This will keep your drawers as tidy as they come! I’m going to link some great drawer organizers from Amazon…click here!

Just as well, creating sections in your closet based upon the type of clothing or the color is SURE to make your bedroom look SO aesthetic!

3. Utilize under bed storage

A lot of people aren’t utilizing under-bed storage the way that they could!

Putting containers under your bed will make your life a million times easier! Make them easy to pull out and easy to hide, to make sure your bedroom looks SUPER organized! There is so much space under your bed, you may as well use it to its capacity!

Although I believe in a more minimalistic approach to organization, we ALL have STUFF. No doubt about it. Being able to use up this space will make the process of organization much more smooth.

4. Use desk storage, but DON’T set up a junk drawer

Desk storage is great! I personally use it for my stationery, books, journals, etc. Organizing it will definitely be useful.

However, creating a junk drawer is one of the LAST things to consider when organizing your bedroom! A junk drawer is bound to create piles and piles of unnecessary and unwanted items that you’ll only have to deal with in the future.

Instead, organize your drawers into sections and keep specific items within these sections. You can always find space for the things you need. I promise!

5. Create a memory/keepsake storage

organization tips for bedroom

Memory boxes! They are so much fun. I have the best time looking through old school work and pictures.

Another great thing about memory boxes is that they provide an area for you to keep items that are important to you but are creating clutter, in one box/space. It could be a shirt from a concert or a souvenir from a great trip! The things that you maybe don’t want in your bedroom anymore, but would be so sad to get rid of.

Put them in the memory box!

Being able to keep items of true value to you is SO important. I highly recommend a memory box.

6. Go through your books and journals

One aspect of organization that can tend to be neglected is organizing your books and journals. These things get SO cluttered as the years go by, so don’t let it go unnoticed!

As you look through your books, ask yourself honestly, “Will I ever read this book again, or could it be of better use if I donated it to a local library?” If you think you will read it again, it may be you just plain like how it looks…it’s okay to keep it! We just want to focus on getting rid of items that no longer add to our lives.

As for journals, you may want to keep them…good memories, right? I would recommend keeping a box (within a memory box or a separate container) where you keep these journals. It will make your room more organized AND it will make accessing the journals incredibly easy!

7. Keep it minimal, don’t let surfaces get too cluttered

I know, I know…how many times can I say LESS IS MORE in this post? Just let me say it to you one more time.

Keeping surfaces minimal will make any area look a million times more aesthetic! If too much clutter is building up on your surfaces, the area will feel less organized. This could be a million decorations or piles of paper stacking up. It’s important to try to maintain the cleanliness of the surfaces and make sure that we keep it minimal.

This will become SO important as you organize your bedroom…just trust me on this one.

8. Hide the cords!

Finding ways to hide your cords will make a huge difference! There are actually certain devices that can help with this.

There are cable covers that you can buy at most likely any hardware store which will cover your cords to make them blend in better with the walls or your desk.

Another great option is a cord management box. They come in super cute designs, so you can keep your bedroom organized AND aesthetic. Click here to check them out on amazon!

Whichever way you choose to go about it, hiding the cords is sure to make your space feel clean and open!

9. By containers for frequently used items & LABEL!

As a full-time college student, I dream of the day that I can have every item in my house organized and labeled, but for now, I’m just going to do it with my most frequently used items!

Doing this for clothing, stationary, certain food items, and more can be SO helpful in keeping any space organized. The most fun part is labeling it as well! Make organizing FUN for yourself!

Having a fun container for your shoes or your pens will make organizing an enjoyable experience for yourself, as well as create more efficiency in your life. Try it and tell me how it goes, okay?

This post was ALL about organization tips for your bedroom!

After following these tips, I hope you have the most ORGANIZED and AESTHETIC bedroom of your life. All of these things have helped me SO much as I’ve moved from home and created my own space! Definitely give them a try.

While you’re here, if you want to read more about organization, check out the organization tab of the blog! Click here!

Have an amazing day, week, month, year, and all of the things! Sending so much love to you <3


Jaci Lynn

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